סֵפֶר בְּשֵּׁם הַשֵּׁם Sefer B’shem Hashem by Rav Rahmiel Hayyim Drizin and Rav Yitzchak Schwartz Download PDF version of the book. Gutt’s Nuhmen or ” Gott’s Nomen is Yiddish for “G-d’s Name.” For the ten days starting with Rosh Hashanah through Yom Kippur , we amend one of the passages in the Amidah prayer. Instead of saying “blessed are You…the holy G-d,”…
Tag: Kabbalah

Will you have Kosher-style Seder this year?
Do we indeed leave Egypt this year or we just adorn our personal Mitzraim with a pretty Pesach theme? The picture here is the unfortunate symbol of many Seders that might be conducted this year… Kosher-style, mehadrim min mehadrim, comfortably staying in personal bondage… Untouched pyramids of slavery coated with matza… or we can really make a difference in our lives……

Pesach meditations and Learning
Pesah Week Meditations Translated and compiled by Rav Rahmiel Drizin: Alef”Taf ; — The day of the week on which the first day (Alef) of Pesah takes place will also be the day of the week when Tisha Be’Av occurs. “With matzot and merorim (bitter articles) they should eat it” connects the matzoh of Pesah to Tisha Be’Av, a day…

Blessing of the Trees in Nissan
The new month of Nissan begins this Tuesday, April 5th, and with it our tradition to bless fruit trees in bloom.

What are we missing without BEIT HAMIKDASH – meditations and prayers for Tisha B’Av
B”H By Kabbalist Rav Yitzchak Schwarts 1. The essence and power of grieving over the loss of the Holy Temple We are less than 2 days away from Tisha B’av—the day of the destruction of both Temples [and a number of other catastrophic events]….The question that keeps coming up every year is, ‘How can we mourn over something that we…

Sefer Yitgaber KeAri in honor of the Holy Arizal, whose Yahrtzeit 5 Av, July 15th 2010
Sefer Yitgaber KeAri, a compilation of the all-night study for next Thursday night, 5 Av, July 15th, in honor of the Holy Arizal, whose Yahrtzeit is that night and the Friday that follows. It is a translation of about 90% of the material found in the Tikkun 5 Av prepared by the Ben Ish Hai.
The Tikkun of the Ben Ish Hai for Erev Rosh Hodesh – Yom Kippur Katan
Rosh Hodesh, the New Moon of the New Jewish Month, is a time of renewal, both of body
and spirit. The day before is practiced as an ancient tradition as a Yom Kippur Katan –a
mini Day of Atonement–where many fast and say prayers of penitence. It is a tremendous
opportunity to review the past month’s activities, admit one’s miss-takes, regret doing
them, and pledge to try to not repeat them in the upcoming month.

Spiritual Falls and Rises – why do we always descent before the ascent
Not only spiritual descent is unavoidable, it is completely necessary for the spiritual ascent to happen.
BeRahamim LeHayim: PaRDeS HaBahir Wednesday Naso
Living with the Times” Mystic Calendar, 250th Anniversary of the Baal Shem Tov on Shavout
The Masters Kabbalah Learning
Let’s become Masters—even mini masters, of the totally unique world view of our Sages , ancient and contemporary….

Shavuot Torah Learning
This is Shavuot Learning Compilation
by HaRav Rahmiel Hayyim Drizin:
A Secret and Kabbalah Learning
One needs to get on the right level of consciousness to understand the Sod – the secret – fourth deepest level of Torah.
Real Simplicity can be a bit Complex
“Lo bashamaim Hee” (Devarim 30:12) – Torah “is not found in heaven” – Moshe Rabbeinu explains Jews that Torah and mitzvoth they received are very close to their everyday life and needs:
“For that (the Torah) is your life and the length of your days” (Devarim 30:20) – this is not some abstract set of rules for mythical reward and punishment – it’s very down-to-earth manual on “How to avoid shooting-yourself-in-a-leg” and live happy prosperous life if nothing more.
Why Call the site “Ish Tam”
“Ish Tam” – simple, innocent, wholesome man – that’s how Torah calls our forefather Yaakov. “Tam” is also used in Haggadah to describe the third son, where it sometimes interpreted as “simpleton”. However Haggadah gives a key into the real meaning in that context as well: The third son’s question is “Mah Zot?” – What is that? Normally in Hebrew…