Category: Why?

Soul Connection #1: Why Connect?

No believe system can give us a GPS-like directions through life, and no mentor can do it for you either.
Those pathways leave us grasping for the ultimate answer to the question:

�How do I really know which decision is right?�

The great news is that we all have our own GPS with complete map of our life and almost unlimited visibility.

Why Call the site “Ish Tam”

“Ish Tam” – simple, innocent, wholesome man – that’s how Torah calls our forefather Yaakov. “Tam” is also used in Haggadah to describe the third son, where it sometimes interpreted as “simpleton”. However Haggadah gives a key into the real meaning in that context as well: The third son’s question is “Mah Zot?” – What is that? Normally in Hebrew…