Tag: Passover

Eating b'Kedusha

Eating in Holiness – b’Kedusha

Eating in Holiness: Pesach is the best time for correcting our eating. It is Pesach time and it is necessary to review the aspects of Eating b’Kedusha,  Eating in Holiness. As Rav Tzadok HaKohen reveals (see the “Secret of Eating at the Seder” ), the main tikkun person can make for his lack of kedusha of eating during the whole year…

Why Call the site “Ish Tam”

“Ish Tam” – simple, innocent, wholesome man – that’s how Torah calls our forefather Yaakov. “Tam” is also used in Haggadah to describe the third son, where it sometimes interpreted as “simpleton”. However Haggadah gives a key into the real meaning in that context as well: The third son’s question is “Mah Zot?” – What is that? Normally in Hebrew…