Tisha B’Av is the lowest day in the Jewish calendar, however precisely because of its gloomy nature it is the most suitable day to rectify all the falls that happened on that day, in this time of the year.

B”H By Kabbalist Rav Yitzchak Schwarts 1. The essence and power of grieving over the loss of the Holy Temple We are less than 2 days away from Tisha B’av—the day of the destruction of both Temples [and a number of other catastrophic events]….The question that keeps coming up every year is, ‘How can we mourn over something that we…
Beautiful Teaching by Rabbi Rahmiel Drizin: BeRahamim LeHayyim: “Last Chance, Last Dance for Hesed/Love…” A beautiful part of our faith is that we get a second chance, another opportunity to connect if we miss the mark. Kind of like having Yom HaKippurim, then Hoshana Rabbah as a second chance, then until Zot Hanukah (8th Night) to “get it right.”…