Category: How To ?

Spiritual HowTOs

Quite a Road Block

Obstacles to achieving a Goal – what do they mean ?

Frequently we are starting an endeavor and from the start we encounter an obstacle, a strong resistance to our efforts, not even from people but from circumstances around us. Where do Obstacles come from? Are those Obstacles the Sign from Above that we are on a wrong path and should use our resources differently? Or, may be otherwise, those obstacles…


What follows is a number of Shabbat meditations and a short summary of the Torah principles which they are based on. All of these meditations are drawn from a series of Shabbat essays taught by the previous Slonimer Rebbe (Zatzal) in the second volume of his work Netivot Shalom.
The common thread running through all of his essays (and I have only chosen a select few) is consciousness … the unique sublime Garden of Eden consciousness that we all can get a taste of in this world with a concerted effort…… and thereby sensitize ourselves to a life of true paradise in this world and in the next one.

I hope that by practicing these meditations we can open up more and more of this sensitivity.

Soul Connection #3: How to Overcome the Myths and Establish the Soul Connection

Communication doesn’t only come as a stream of information filling your mind with amazing revelations – this would be nice but most of us simply don’t have the minds and souls developed enough for this.

Frequently it comes as “synchronicity” ” meaningful “coincidence” of events in our life, for example turning on the radio and having talk-show host to answer the question you just asked in your mind.

Body signals are another way our soul communicates to us – we need to develop sensitivity to this non-verbal language our Neshama uses.