We should not require any kind of a “push” to propel us up – the springboard return motion will do it for us.

What follows is a number of Shabbat meditations and a short summary of the Torah principles which they are based on. All of these meditations are drawn from a series of Shabbat essays taught by the previous Slonimer Rebbe (Zatzal) in the second volume of his work Netivot Shalom.
The common thread running through all of his essays (and I have only chosen a select few) is consciousness … the unique sublime Garden of Eden consciousness that we all can get a taste of in this world with a concerted effort…… and thereby sensitize ourselves to a life of true paradise in this world and in the next one.
I hope that by practicing these meditations we can open up more and more of this sensitivity.
Not only spiritual descent is unavoidable, it is completely necessary for the spiritual ascent to happen.