Food Meditations for Rosh HaShana

compiled by R. Rahmiel Drizin

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Grapes: Anavim intend to rectify the sin of Adam and Hava in the Tree of Daat which were grapes that

were squeezed out and given to him…and be careful with this kavanot in detail at the time one is blessing.

Also intend when eating to sweeten the 2 names EloKiM (172) are gematria Anavim in the secret of “Ekev(gematria 172) because Avraham has listen to my voice”

(Note: only white not black grapes!)

Figs: Taynah: if eat the first time of the year do a Shehehiyanu and be careful to rectify the sin of Adam
and Hava with figs for Taynah is the 3 fillings of EHY’H and intend that Taaynim (plural) is gematria
Notzer wNakay the 8th and 13th Mazalot and receive Shefa upon us.


Pommegranate: Rimon: is gematria Ratzon and Notzer and Tzinor and Mekor and good to eat
pomegranates at the 3rd Meal and intend this.

Dates: Tamarim: intend gematria two times Kel Shakkay and Moshe Moshe without a pasek, and bless in
the name of Kel Shakkay in the Hitzoniout and Penimiout, also intend that Date/Tamar is gematria 2
times ShaK (320) sparks and rectify them and enlighten us the a Sun/SheMeSh of charity gematria
Tamar and give us Shefa from the Yesod hinted to Tamar:

“As righteous will blossom as a date-palm tree” , and enlighten us the 32 paths of Hokmah which each Netiv/path includes from the Hassadim and the Gevurot, which thus make 64, and each is included from the 10 (Sefirot) and thus we have Tamar 640.

Apples: Tapuchin: is gematria TQM’D (554) which is the revua of Shem EHY’H of Yodin and is the
secret of the Upper Binah and intend that the word Tapuhin is the letters Petahin and thus draw the
Shefa from Hokmah which has the vowel Petah . Also intend thru the blessing to bless upon the apple, to
establish in us the secret of “Potayah et Yadecha…” which is hinted in the words and is a Segula for
Parnassah as is known.

Carob/Harov: intend that it is gematria 216 or Gevurah and sweeten the Gevurah in the 216 letters of
the Name of 72 which are Hasadim. Also intend that it is the gematria Yirah/Fear and the gematria
Rayiah/see for the 2 are in Hokmah in the secret of the Name of 72, meaning that we should merit to fear
the Upper One and see His Exaltedness and rectify the blemish of sight. Also intend that Haruvin
(plural) is gematria Kinor (harp) which is Ku (26) NeR (250). And it is good to eat Carob one time each
year and intend this, and its is even better on Tu B’Shvat, which is the Rosh Hashanah of the Tree(s).

Walnut: Egoz: intend that it is gematria Tov, and that Eguzim is gematria Binah.

Olive: Zayit: intend on the 3 names Kel Elokim MTzP’Tz , now our Sages of Blessed Memory have told
us that eating olives cause forgetfulness, but the Arizal said that if we intend these names, there will be no
damage, and on the contrary, it will be useful. And know that Zayit is in Yesod, and thus to rectify the
Yesod is is good to eat olives and bless upon them with great kavanah, and intend these names as
mentioned each time.

Etrog: intend to rectify the sin of Adam and Hava thus we are directed to eat them on the night of Rosh
Hashanah and to bless upon them the Shehehiyanu, for the matter of Adam and Hava is in Rosh
Hashanah, and eat them on the second night for (the Holiday) is “one long day” Also intend that Etrogim
is gematria Seter (conceal), which is Yod (10) times Hawaya with the vowel Holom which is the Tiferet,
as well as 10 times Hawayah with Hirik for Nezah, and 10 times Hawaya with Shurek for Yesod.
Fish/Dag: intend the “Open Eye” also that Dagim is gematria Kel Hawaya which is in Yetzirah, and
draw the Shefa from there.[Note that Iraqi Jews don’t eat Dag because it is related to Deaga/worry!]
Meat/Basar: when eating meat, intend in the merit of the (number of years of the) lives of our
Forefathers, which are gematria Basar, and to assist us, Hashem, May He be Blessed, to sift the sparks
thru the meat. Also intend to assist us, Hashem, May He be Blessed, to do Hesed/kindness to the soul in
eating meat, for Basar is gematria Hesed Nefesh Also intend to assist us, Hashem, May He be Blessed, to
do kindness with the “Righteous, the foundation of the world” in eating the Basar which is gematria
Hesed Tzaddik Yesod Olam.
Carob/Harov intend that it is gematria 216 or Gevurah and sweeten the Gevurah in the 216 letters of
the Name of 72 which are Hasadim. Also intend that it is the gematria Yirah/.fear and the gematria
Rayiah/see for the 2 are in Hokmah in the secret of the Name of 72, meaning that we should merit to fear
the Upper One and see His Exaltedness and rectify the blemish of sight. Also intend that Haruvin
(plural) is gematria Kinor (harp) which is Ku (26) NeR (250). And it is good to eat Carob one time each
year and intend this, and its is even better on Tu B’Shvat, which is the Rosh Hashanah of the Tree(s).

Water:Mayim: when drink intend in the secret of Hesed and also that one’s soul receives the light of the
Hassadim that extend in it in the path of enjoying the water which spreads through the entire body. Also
intend Mayim is gematria 5 times Hai life , to draw the 5 lights of the Hai in the 5 portions of the soul,
NaRaNHY, also thru the blessing on the water, bless the KYS (one’s pocket for parnassah) which is
gematria Mayim Also that Mayim is gematria Hawaya with Kamatz which is the Keter and the aspect of
Ratzon and it is good to be careful to intend this during the Third Meal of the Holy Shabbat, and already
known the proper custom to drink water before Hamotzi to exempt all the water during the meal, and
intend this very much. Also it is good to drink water in five sips after you drink the measure for the
blessing, and intend in the 5 sips correspond to the five Hasadim that extend in the soul as mentioned
above. Also be careful to follow the minhag of the Arizal who intended in the 9 Yodins in the 4
Hawayot, Ab, Sag, Mah and Ben which are gematria Mayim, and be careful and not forget this kavanah
always. And intend in the blessing Sheakol on the water that there are 9 words corresponding to the 9
Yodins as mentioned; also Kol is Yesod, and extends the Shefa to below in the middle of Malcut called
Davar(o); also Borei Pri is Yesod, and Haetz or Hagefen or Haadama is Malcut.

Garlic: Shum: Good to eat garlic on Erev Shabbat, for the Yesod is called Shum , since the Garlic heads
increase seed, intend in eating that Shum is gematria Ratzon which is the Keter also gematria Notzer
which is the 8 Mazal and Tzinor, cause the Yesod is th called this, also Mekor, and say the pasuk “Ki
Imkha Mikor Hayyim, B’orcha NiReh Or”/ For You are the Source of Life, in Your Light we see light.”
Only know that one should not eat garlic only if there is a wife that one is able to unite with that night,
and this will suffice for those that understand.

Porridge: Daysah which is of cooked wheat, intend to rectify the sin of Adam HaRishon, and Hava who
damaged in wheat, and intend that Hita is gematria 22 for the 22 letters in the Torah and is gematria
Tovah , and it is good to eat porridge on the Shabbat of Beresheet, and intend that Hitim is gematria

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